Q & A with Tierney Gearon

As one of the most influential photographers of our time—having been discovered by Charles Saatchi,Tierney Gearon has established a career capturing moments, timelessly and accurately. Little did I know, before meeting her a few years ago when she took photos for my website, she also traveled the world for half a decade modeling. While she was pursuing her first passion, Ballet in Utah, a European modeling agency discovered her and helped ignite a life into the modeling world. Over time her interests grew and it was through her pastime of taking photos that she was encouraged to extend and grow her skills into and beyond the industry, ultimately to become a professional photographer. Not only does her resume and accolades within photography blow me away, she also is a woman with a powerful story that has inspired me deeply. As a professional working on the other side of the lens—and successfully, it’s apparent she is a woman of true talent. But In addition to it all, her dedication to her family is what I might admire the most. With four beautiful children whom she has evidently encourages to follow their passion no matter what, It’s apparent in the way she speaks of them that they are her gold. When you are in her home you can even feel the free spirit of great energy and greater love and it’s absolutely contagious. I had a chance to catch up with Tierney and ask her a few questions! Here is what we talked about…..

JL: What are your must-have beauty products?
TG: I have terribly dry skin—so all my organic oils are a must. And January Labs eye cream!
JL: Do you have any daily rituals that you can’t live without?
TG: Exercise is an absolute must. I mostly hike and do yoga–we also just moved to a beach farm lifestyle and so my new favorite thing is to walk the goats and sit with the chickens; it keeps me grounded continually.
TG: Commercial photography wise, the biggest challenge I have ever had to do is when I had to shoot the Oscar Issue for the New York Times Magazine; we had to also shoot little vignette videos. I had an hour to do each person and it was the first time I had ever done film so I had to come up with the concepts and make it all happen. Working with such a large crew was also not easy, I am a one woman show, but we did it and we did an amazing job!
JL: Being a mother of four, how do you balance your work, creativity and motherhood?
TG: I don’t know, some how I just do it! I just don’t think about it. I take care of myself but my children come first hands down.
JL: As a woman who has achieved so much, how important has the support of other women been to your career?
TG: My own life story. My family and children inspire me.
JL: What advice would you give to other women you wish someone would have told you?
TG: Learn how to take care of yourself and to say “yes” to as much as you can without hurting yourself or others!