Q & A with Andrea Linett

Beyond my business, is a deep love and passion I have of developing relationships with clients. Consequently, by working under January Labs, I’m able to meet other women who are like minded about their own passion and professions. Along the way, I have been fortunate enough to meet some incredibly talented and inspiring women and so I’ve decided to use my blog to share some of their stories and advice.
I met Andrea Linett a few years ago at one of her book signings for her fabulous book, “I want to be her”. When you meet Andrea, you in fact want to be HER! Her style is effortless and she pretty much personifies cool. I love her website because it is actually stuff you want to and CAN buy! She is a January Labs (namely the Glow & Go) devotee and has been instrumental in spreading the word about the line.
Andrea answered a few of my questions …
How would you describe your style?
I always say “untucked glamour” because I can never be truly put together (and I’m not into perfection anyway!)
What do you shop for most often?
Shoes, jewelry and beauty products
What are your must-have beauty products?
January Labs’ Power Peel Exfoliant, Josie Maran tinted moisturizer, Kiehl’s musk lotion and Escentric Molecules fragrances.
Do you have any daily rituals that you can’t live without?
My coffee in the morning, my exercise routine and my cold beer at the end of the day.
What has been the most exciting part of your career so far?
I think probably starting Lucky Magazine. It was the most successful launch in Conde Nast history—I think because it tapped into something that was lacking in fashion publishing. It really spoke to women who loved clothes and shopping, but weren’t into being preached to by the likes of Vogue. It was really something new and exciting and positive when it came out.
As a woman who has achieved so much, how important has the support of other women been to your career?
It’s been all about that! For instance, when I was at Sassy and the receptionist (it was my first job out of college), Mary Clarke, who was the creative director, hired me to work in the fashion and beauty department—really a dream come true. Then when Sassy folded Annemarie Iverson, who was at Haper’s Bazaar at the time, took a chance and hired me as a fashion writer/editor which wasn’t really done back then. I had no experience with fancy women’s magazines! Also, Kim France was very encouraging at Lucky. I’ve been lucky (no pun intended!)
Who has been most inspirational to you in your work and life?
I’d say my mom. She was a successful executive/creative director in advertising.
What advice would you give to other women you wish someone would have told you?
There isn’t a secret to success that everyone is in on that you’re not. In other words, of course there is room for learning, but just be confident that not everyone always knows better than you. Learn to trust your instincts.