A Note from our founder

Through my professional career in product development for a leading national skincare brand, as a licensed aesthetician and an avid consumer of skincare products, I began to see how the skin care industry has failed us with “quick-fix” product and over-complicated skin care regimens that are not only expensive, but ineffective. I saw a genuine need to simplify and that’s how January Labs was born. Skin care doesn’t need to be complicated. 

It’s as simple as that.


Meet January

I have had a passion for skin care for as long as I can remember. As I child, I was inspired by my grandmother who encouraged me to experiment with the ingredients she kept in her pantry and fridge to make face masks. By the time I was in my early twenties, I was a connoisseur of beauty products, but was never completely satisfied with what was available so I continued to work on creating solutions to my own ongoing skin struggles.

My passion has become my life-long obsession with beauty products and healthy skin. My work with leading beauty brands took me to all corners of the globe where I interacted with every luxury spa and world-famed aesthetician, enabling me to hone my vision for January Labs.

Our promise

All of our products are formulated to provide the greatest restorative, protective and strengthening benefits so your skin has the best conditions to regenerate and reveal its healthiest glow.

Less is more

We believe that ‘less is more’ in a skincare routine and when you have high performing formulations, you’ll see and love the results without sabotaging your skin with unnecessary ingredients, products or a time consuming process that is difficult to stick to.

Our Approach

January Labs takes the same approach to skincare blends as those used in fine cooking recipes: each individual ingredient plays a pivotal role in the finished product and each must enhance and support the others.


Our Ingredients

In The Press
